logo with an A inside of a circle inside of a square

About Allelo

Our name comes from the Greek word meaning “to be in symbiotic relationship.” We are a bunch of talented designers, researchers and strategists with a bias to action. We seek symbiosis with a better future: a more sustainable future, a more just future, a more enlightened future.

Philly, PA



Team Members


Our Vision

Our mission is to use the formidable power of design to help build a more equitable, regenerative economy. We aim to help hundreds of ClimateTech companies expand their positive impacts by 2030.

What We Do

We design custom digital products for impact. We’re front-end designers. We get asked a lot about definitions. To us, design means creation with intention and impact means positive social and environmental outcomes along with financial returns.

Why We Do It

Design shapes everything. Everything we feel. Everything we think. Everything we do. Design affects us all. It’s crazy powerful.

We’ve seen it make or break businesses. We’ve felt it inspire intense motivation and malaise. We know what it can do. We’re applying it’s power to address climate change mitigation, resilience and adaptation because we want to design for positive change.

Also, armageddon awaits.

At the center of design & data - is Allelo.

Ven diagram: Left side "Impact Assessment & Measurement, Right side: Human-Centered Design, Center/overlap: Allelo logo

We are invested in our interconnectedness. We see the overlap. In order to play in the liminal spaces between disciplines, between stakeholders, between silos, we need to think differently and collaborate differently.

We believe in both rigor and humility. Rigorous behavioral science, mixed methods research, analytics, testing, and a detailed understanding of systems meet freedom to create with intention. The numbers and beyond the numbers. Not just beautiful design but purposeful design. With measurable impact.

No one cares about your business as much as you do.

We’ll happily settle for a close second.